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Alessio Sangiorgi graduated in Law with honours at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome in April 2009, specializing in the field of international law. He holds a PhD in Public, Comparative and International Law (“International Order and Human Rights” program) from the University “La Sapienza” of Rome.
He passed the bar examination in 2012 at the Corte d’appello of Rome and currently works at the Lana – Lagostena Bassi – Rosi Law Firm, where he mainly carries out professional activities in the field of human rights protection, international and European Union law, administrative law and immigration and asylum law.
He has been a consultant at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute).
He was a trainee lawyer at the Avvocatura Generale dello Stato, dealing with immigration, the waste emergency in Campania, as well as the ongoing litigation against Nazi soldiers, responsible for some of the most serious war crimes committed in Italy during the Second World War, among other fields.
He also worked as a legal consultant at the Haymarket Media Group in London, dealing with environmental law at European and international level.
He completed an LL.M. in International Law and Environmental Law at SOAS – University of London in the academic year 2012-13.
He has also carried out research periods abroad at the library of the European Court of Human Rights, at the Peace Palace Library in The Hague and, lastly, at the library of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg.
In 2019, he was a visiting scholar at Brooklyn Law School (New York).
He also collaborates with the Unione Forense per la Tutela dei Diritti Umani, being a member of its Steering Committee since 2018.
He is part of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal “I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie” since 2014, and since 2017 he is also a part of the Focus Africa Board of the journal
Since 2017 and on behalf of Italy, he is a lecturer and a tutor of the Council of Europe HELP program (The European Program for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) in courses on migration, asylum and unaccompanied foreign minors.
Since 2020 he has been an alternate member of the Committee “Permanent Delegation to the European Court of Human Rights” of the CCBE (Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe).
He is the author of several articles and he’s participated in numerous courses, seminars and conferences as a speaker, particularly in the areas of international human rights law, immigration and citizenship law and, lastly, anti-discrimination law.
“Monito della Corte europea: l’Italia riconosca protezione alle coppie omosessuali – Il caso Oliari come primo timido passo verso il matrimonio egualitario?”, in I diritti dell’uomo, cronache e battaglie, 2015, vol. n. 3, pp. 529-538;
“Discorsi d’odio nei confronti di migranti, rifugiati e richiedenti asilo. L’alternative report dell’Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti umani al comitato CERD”, in I diritti dell’uomo, cronache e battaglie, 2016, vol. n. 3, pp. 619-624;
“La Corte africana interviene sull’imparzialità del sistema elettorale ivoriano”, in, 2017, Focus Africa n. 1/2017, p. 1-9;
“Gli effetti della Ruexit sulla giurisdizione della Corte africana dei diritti dell’uomo e dei popoli”, in, 2017, Focus Africa n. 2/2017, p. 1-10;
“La Corte africana condanna il Ruanda nel caso Ingabire: violati il diritto alla difesa e la libertà di esprimersi sul genocidio del 1994”, in, 2018, Focus Africa n. 2/2018, p. 1-17;
[with Anton Giulio Lana] “La Corte europea bacchetta l’Italia in materia di diffamazione a mezzo stampa”, in Cassazione penale, 2020, in corso di pubblicazione.